Saturday 21 July 2007

Apathetic men and gracious trees...

After reading our post Mango now a green tale, a reader was kind enough to comment the following. Between the poles, the apathy towards trees has got a strong grip, the comment hints.

I can't believe that anyone who had a place to plant a mango would choose to do without it! In the north-central regions of North America, we import mangos from all over the world - they are not part of our traditional culture, but we have been fortunate to have immigrants bring us these fruits - the first time I saw a mango tree I had traveled for a day to Costa Rica - they lie on the ground like apples and plums do, here in Minnesota.

Here, we have a problem with people cutting down and burning orchards of apples and plums, peaches and pears -- for huge poorly build but expensive houses, for golf courses, for parking lots, for no reason other than they do not know how to care for the tree or how to hire someone who knows. Instead, we plant ornamental trees that are not well-suited to this climate.It seems that false sophistication and plain ignorance are not the sole property of any one culture or locale.

Tell your children to plant a mango tree - because some child in North America would give an apple to be able to have all the mangos she wanted.... - Elizabth

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